Parents Guidelines

  • Parents are requested to bear in mind that the school attaches great importance to building a sound character in students.
  • They are expected to co-operate with the school authorities by making their children understand that a well ordered and disciplined way of life is as important at home as in school.
  • Parents should supervise their lessons, and take an active interest in the activities of the school Parents are requested to refrain from requesting for permission to take their wards out of school during school hours for flimsy reason.
  • If the ward are found unwell or unusually tired they must be allowed to rest at home.
  • Change in the address or telephone number of parents or guardians must be intimated to the school in writing and without delay.
  • When communicating with the principal, parents are requested to mention in their letter the Class, Section and Admission No. of their child/children.
  • Parents/guardians/visitors are not expected to enter the classrooms or speak to teachers during class hours. The teachers would be available on Thursday evening 4 p.m onwards of every week to discuss the progress of their wards. If your ward has any problem in the school, please inform the school authorities at the earliest.
  • Parents should help and encourage their children to take part in co-curricular activities arranged by school for the benefit of their children.
  • They should see that the children do not wear valuable ornaments like gold chains, bangles, etc. when they come to school.
  • Undesirable practices like irregular attendance, habitual idleness, disobedience or difiance of school authorities and malpractice in examination, badly affect the moral tone and discipline of both the school and the students. So the parents are requested to see that their wards do not indulge in such activities which may cause the removal of their names from the school roll.
  • They should check the School hand book every evening. Remarks made in the school handbook by the principal/teacher should be taken note of and counter signed. The school circulars with serial numbers and dates are issued from time to time to the parents to keep them informed of the school's programmes.
  • All efforts made by the teachers with regard to student's training can bear fruit only if the parents co-operate. Hence parents should ensure that:
  • * Children attend school in the prescribed uniform and with the required books. * Children get enough time at home for lessons and assignments. * Fees are paid on scheduled dates. Note : The Principal/Management has the right to introduce, amend or change the rules and regulations whenever necessary in furtherance of the aims and objectives of the school.